well, the post's title is the long story short, lol.
I am friends with a Lady by the name of Lisa Gerrard whom i have mentioned before, she is a golden globe winning, Oscar nominated singer. She was very involved in the making of the music scores to the following movies:
-man on fire
-the insider
-whale rider
-the passion of the Christ
(as well as other movies and her solo album work)
anyhow, she's the nicest most supportive person you could ever know. we have even watched my paladin DVD together lol. anyhow, at the moment i'm animating a music video to a song on her upcoming album 'the black opal', and in our collaborative sessions, i showed her 6 of my completed songs from my album.
She told me she really really loved them, which is (needless to say) VERY comforting and encouraging. Not only that, i showed her a bunch of music i was putting together in a song, and she hooked up her mics, and 'jammed' with me. she has an amazing voice.
After 'jamming' i asked if she would be interested in featuring in the album. she wanted to!! she said yes! so, come next week i am going to her house for a WEEK with all my gear. most of the week will be working on her music video, BUT at a time in that week she will record the backing vocal track to a song i have done my part in recording so far, to be titled 'There in your Arms'.
There is no point to this post to say anything more then 'yay look at me' which is quite narcissistic, but hey, we need a little self love to survive right? lol jokes.
After our record session next week, my album will be FINISHED. yes, i have 12 almost fully finished songs, and my album should be available within a months time.
the album will be called 'View from a Window', will feature 9 original vocal songs, 1 acoustic version of a song, and 2 composed orchestral recordings. It will cost $14.95, which i think is fair as the publishers take $10 per CD, and i would hope months of solid work would amount to $5 a copy. anyhow, i really hope you guys look foreward to this as much as i do. it's something i've wanted to do for quite a while...
oh, and below... is a rondom pick i made lol. half me half lisa. i'm the dude... i hope...