
761 Art Reviews

333 w/ Responses

I like it! Its simple, quirky, and well executed. Your characters form could feel slightly more tangible but there's not much too 'off' about it that won't improve with time! Great job, thanks for sharing, and nice composition. Keep it up!

toothbrush64 responds:

Wow, thank you for featuring it in a showcase! I was in a bit of a slump after finishing this, so that was just the kick in the pants I needed to keep drawing. I'm going through some books right now to learn anatomy and posing so I'll upload more stuff when I have a better grasp of things.

Good job for a first attempt in photoshop! Your lines could be more solid, but that kind of thing becomes more refined as you practice. Blue and orange compliment each other well and the picture is framed well. Keep it up, thanks for sharing!

LiamRomK responds:

Thanks Jazza!

TIP: id you don't know how to draw something, draw it a lot, and then you'll get good at drawing it! ;)

Otherwise, cute pic! I'm sure you passed the time in that car ride with not problem. Lots of detail here, and a cool looking theme. Keep it up!

I like this a lot! Very different to many of the things I see, which alone is worth mentioning, its unique and clever. You use detail, but in a meticulous thought out way and not at all random just to fill space. Great work! Added this one to my favs. Keep it up!

MisterHerbal responds:

Thanks a lot Jazza, you're a great contribution to the young generation of digital artists. Keep up your good work, appreciate your feedback :)

Great work! I love how you imagine new and different characters in things you like, thats a great way to practice creating your own stories and worlds with characters of your own. I think you've done a great job here! Keep up the good work! Also, stay AWAY from photoshop lens flares. they look cheap! haha. Thanks for sharing, keep it up!

Nice job for your first photoshopped work! I'd like to see how your more recent work looks. Otherwise, the colors in this are good, and his proportions and expression work well, thanks for sharing!

Well done! Your shading is nice, I like her eyes the most. I'll note you could use a little observational drawing practice, I only say so because, while it looks very nice, and I can't see much 'wrong' with it, I wouldn't have guessed it was Lara Croft without reading the title. Nothing wrong with that, its a great drawing, but when drawing something specific like a well known character, make sure you use a reference as a guide to things like facial proportions and stuff. Also, take a little more care with the picture quality, the drawing may be great, but the viewers opinion of that is limited when the version we see was taken with a camera-phone and hasn't been enhanced in a computer program. Otherwise, a great drawing, keep it up!

BoykaA responds:

Thank you so much :)))

I really like this, I agree, the feeling of decay is quite palpable! It really does add to the image. Its the kind of picture I imagine looks best with the lights out, alone at home, at night. Pretty creepy! The face looks slightly flat, but barely, overall its very well shaded and drawn. I will note that it feels a little vertically unbalanced, like the top 1/5 of the image could be cropped out to center the girl a bit better. Overall, great work! Keep it up and thanks for sharing!

TheInnerMadness responds:

Thanks for the nice feedback and the feature in your video! I'll definitely take your critique to heart to get better :)

This looks decent from a distance, but close up its a bit more clear that you've roughed out the main areas and shapes of interest, then filled empty space with different shaped squiggles and random line patterns to make it appear more detailed. Some of them are words, but it results in the same effect, like you're trying to trick the viewer into thinking an image has a great amount of detail when in reality id doesn't have much substance. I'd recommend working on your forms and figured before trying to create a piece overwhelmed by detail. Witherwise, it is interesting to look at, keep it up!

Josiah Brooks is a full time YouTuber/Artist who likes music, beer, beef jerky, and writing profile summaries in the third person.

Age 35, Male


victoria, australia

Joined on 10/31/03

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