Josiah Brooks is a full time YouTuber/Artist who likes music, beer, beef jerky, and writing profile summaries in the third person.

Age 35, Male


victoria, australia

Joined on 10/31/03

Exp Points:
712 / 900
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Vote Power:
5.08 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Town Watch
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B/P Bonus:
8y 5m 8d

Jazza's News

Posted by Jazza - February 2nd, 2015

First off, I'll let you know I've just launched the February COTM, which you can check out here

Otherwise, I wanted to share my new project!

Tabletop Time

We'll be playing weekly Tabletop RPG's (Similar to Dungeons and Dragons) and the occasional Card Game (Magic the Gathering, Cards Against Humanity etc) or Board Game. Subscribe to join the fun!

We'll be streaming and rebroadcasting weekly (schedule is in the channel description), and then uploading the sessions to this youtube channel. I hope you like it!

Posted by Jazza - January 4th, 2015

Hey guys!

So this months art challenge is themed "Superhero Selfie"!

Prizes include a Wacom Intuos tablet, books, sketchbooks, digital goodies and more!

Check out the info flyer here, and the announcement video below

So if you're keen to challenge yourself and join in the Arty-Party, give it a go!

Here is the WIP thread on the forums

Posted by Jazza - December 1st, 2014

Hey guys!

So this months art challenge is themed "Christmas Villains", and has the biggest prize pool of any COTM so far! Including a Wacom Intuos tablet, books, sketchbooks, digital goodies and more!

Check out the info flyer here, and the announcement video below

So if you're keen to challenge yourself and join in the Arty-Party, give it a go!

Here is the WIP thread on the forums

Posted by Jazza - November 1st, 2014

Hey guys! It's challenge time again:

This month is dedicated to helping raise awareness for mens health issues, more details in this video:

You can share your WIP's in the forum thread here

My grandfather died of prostate cancer a few years back and I thought it being november, it could be fun and constructive to aim the challenge at something a little more grounded and thoughtful.

Good luck guys, and have fun!

Posted by Jazza - October 4th, 2014

Hey y'all!

I've started hosting the Challenge of the Month again on my YouTube channel, this month is in line with Halloween, so if you want to enter two competitions, the NG yearly halloween art comp, and this one, you could hit two birds with one stone and get a bunch of swag!

Instructions and rules are here, good luck and have fun!

Here is the forum page where you can share your WIP's!

Posted by Jazza - August 31st, 2014

Hey guys!

I wrote a book and made some resources on drawing anatomy! I started putting them together early this year and it's taken a lot of planning and editing, and I couldn't be happier with the result.

It's sponsored by Newgrounds of course, and comeswith a bunch of other reasources, so yeah, just though you guys might be interested to hear!


Posted by Jazza - June 18th, 2014

It's been 5 years, and it's been a great 5 years! Here's to 5 more, and a big thanks to Tom and the NG crew and users who have made it such a great place <3

I joined some artists in re-creating our first ever art portal entry, here's my creation, I hope you enjoy!



Posted by Jazza - June 3rd, 2014

Hey guys. I've been busy. I'm also tired. Here is the mural that took me over 100 hours to paint, but holy hell am I proud of it! You'll recognize some home grown NG characters too!


Posted by Jazza - February 26th, 2014

I a little over a week I'll be hosting a gathering of Artists in Melbourne, meeting at Fed Square from 9.30 am and leaving at 10 to a place I've booked, to draw, talk and hang out! If you live in or near Melbourne Australia, come along and say hi!

Check out the Facebook Event Page

In other news I've also launched Part 2 of the BAFA group animation project, 'Character Design'. Check it out if you want to join in and have a shot at winning $100!

Posted by Jazza - February 2nd, 2014

Hey all!

So I've just launched a new Artist club called 'By Artists For Artists'.

BAFA aims to be a platform where new and learning artists can be a part of larger more polished projects, intermediate artists can gain some exposure and expand their portfolio, and experienced artists can share their knowledge and recieve validation for their hard work.

Along with that I've also launched the first BAFA group project, an animation with the theme "Failed Superheroes" - the project will be divided into 5 parts, the first being script, and for each part there is a $100 prize up for grabs! The project is sponsored by Newgrounds, so in participating you're supporting good ol' NG!

So please check out BAFA and subscribe to follow with the projects progress