Before I get TOO text crazy:
Go watch LARRY episode 2
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NOTE: This is a lot of writing you won't care about if you don't follow the Larry series.
OK so, I've been getting a few common questions about the Larry series: when will 3 come out, will there be more games, etc.
unfortunately, the next episode will NOT be out in 4 months, and it will NOT be episode 3. I'll Explain...
apparently 7 Larry submission in the space of a year is STILL not enough for some of you people, and as much as I'd like to keep pumping them out, I need a break, so I'll be releasing a fun little Larry mini game at the end of the month, then after that I'm working on an EPIC RPG game with an epic team:
Geoff Edwards
and more.
(it will be HUGE)
In that period of time I'll also be working on releasing an Album of my own Music.
now when that is all finished (around March/April 2011) I'll be free to get back to Larry, and I'll be able to do so with renewed vigor and zeal! I'll start Larry 2.5, then
after that I'll be right into 3. I'm assuming these projects alone will occupy a majority of my time in 2011.
To those who want me to stop doing games, and ".5" episodes (the ones not following Larry's story) , the answer is a clear and unchanging NO... From the very beginning of creating the series my plan was to make a world with vibrant characters, and familiar places, so that when watching a normal episode, the viewer can recognize and enjoy much more then normally possible in the time permitted.
Think about it, would you enjoy seeing Pipsley and Jiggadiah so much did they not appear in their own episode? Would you expect Larry to be a tough little fighter as much as you might, without playing Larry and the Gnomes? Same goes for many characters that have already appeared in episodes that I have yet to introduce properly!
I understand the requests to cease them might lie in a sincere desire to follow Larry's story, but I can promise you, his story would not be anywhere near as interesting without the world he lives in being so familiar, and that is not possible without these so called "Spin-Offs".
So, bear with me, I'm doing everything I can to entertain you, but in the end I'm only one guy and it's a huge undertaking by anyone's standard. Please be patient with me, and I promise you'll get much entertainment in the future.
PS: a HUUGE thank you for the wonderful reviews and support, the reception for episode 2 was more then I would have imagined! You guys rock!
missed a name from your list :P