Josiah Brooks is a full time YouTuber/Artist who likes music, beer, beef jerky, and writing profile summaries in the third person.

Age 35, Male


victoria, australia

Joined on 10/31/03

Exp Points:
712 / 900
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5.08 votes
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B/P Bonus:
8y 6m 10d

No, don't leave!

I'll miss ya man, I reallly will

As everyone else has said good luck i hope you find your way in life


See? It's the times you say goodbye when you see how much you are loved ;)
Have a good one.

goodbye jazza good luck with your work and hope to see you sometime in the future =]

aawww man good luck!!!! You are one of my favorites !!! The composer is thebest!!! it inpires me... God bless u

Damn it Jazza you can't do this...

what!!! where are you going!

no man no dont leave lol jk go on man well be waiting for ya =(

NOOOOOOOOO!!!! But, at least youll be coming on back. We all miss you here on NG and can't wait for your two years to be up. GOOD LUCK WITH THE REST OF YOUR MISSION AND I DONT CARE IF YOU DONT ANSWER THIS MAN, CUZ YOUR AWESOME!!!!

JAZZA, by the time you are reading this, I'll probably be fifteen and you'll be 21, so I'd like to stop here a moment and think about how much your work has done for me.
I remember, being in fourth grade, I watched for the first time a flash animation that I truly loved, can't remember it right now, but I was thrilled with how funny I find it and I started searching the web for more animations. Eventualy, stumbled up to Egoraptor's work. Although I am not a huge fan of him now, I was charmed by the hilarous jokes, etc, but, what was that tank in the movie's intro? I entered the site it promoted and saw the movies on frontpage. I was immediately interested and watched all of them, some were good, others not so much, but I was shocked when I saw Paladin, I think it was episode two or three. I saw the first ones and huge strokes of imagination hitted my 10 year old mind. I just wanted to make my ideas come to life, and I saw the flash portal, always wondered why it's called like that, so I clicked the submit button to check out what it was. I finally found out why it was called like that, but I also found out way more than that just a name, all my dreams of making animation were just a 20 minute download for the 30 day-trial. As soon as I opened flash, and as naive I was, I just wanted to get started making movies. I eventually had to settle down and start shape tweening. The 15 days that took me to learn shape tweening and other basics (luckly I was in summer vacation) were awful, but I was again hyped about making movies like the ones you made.
Eventually, my dreams got shattered when I saw the "Time Trial Expired" sign, however, about three months later, my mother got me Flash 8, so I started again, making plenty of animations aswell as a Palading tribute that I lost when a virus raided my computer.
Now, I am 13 years old and improving a lot, I'll probably be making a TV PSA next year, I am not sure, chances are I will, unluckly, living in Argentina was always a huge drawback because it's always awful not to have people who know a lot of animation (Most of the best Animators here are like just an average normal animator) to comment and leave constructive critisism, but I'll try to upload it here and see what I can do. Well, mainly I am writing this to give you a warm welcome when you're back, since I had never heard before you were the animator behind the series that always inspired me, and in spite of all the drawbacks, I always kept animating because I wanted to see my animations be really good, something I think you have achieved, and has inspired me a lot.

Again, I thank you, if it hadn't been because of you, I would be just another 13 year old watching TV with just another boring life, without having met and talked to the people I have had AIM conversations with. It'll be a long long time until you come back from making such an admirable work and helping people who need it the most. When you come back, there will be plenty of things you missed, like the new Tank awards, the There she is!!! series, the Sirtom93 case (geez) the April Fools joke, even the birth of Tom's son, that has already been announced!

One thing will alway be clear, you have inspired me and gave me a reason to keep improving, please always keep up the great job, and I'll be totally honest, the first thing I drew when I got my first tablet was a Paladin drawing. Once again, I thank you and I hope you read when you come back and remember that wherever you are, there will alway be that one kid you inspirated into being a totally different person.

'Til 2010 Jazza!

alright, see ya.

good luck!

Miss Ya Buddy

c ya dude hope u do good for watever ur doin lol anyways loved ur games and animations.

Not "goodbye" dude...

just "see you later"...


well, Good Luck.

Hope to see better flash movies although you make great flashes movies


I'm going to really miss you as an artist and as a person. I'll wait for you until you come back.
Good luck, NG Paladin ^^

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