I don't know if you will ever read this, but I just watched The Composer again. You are a great artist, and I truly have missed you. It must feel good to know that you have so many admirers.
Josiah Brooks is a full time YouTuber/Artist who likes music, beer, beef jerky, and writing profile summaries in the third person.
Age 35, Male
victoria, australia
Joined on 10/31/03
I don't know if you will ever read this, but I just watched The Composer again. You are a great artist, and I truly have missed you. It must feel good to know that you have so many admirers.
Miss you! email us to let us know your still out thier! n :3
question for JAAZA when he returns what program are you using for your animations that pico day message is awesome
you've been gone for a while now... I MISS YOU!
... MISSIONARY WORK? Why do people go around saying that as if it's normal?! "Helping people"? I wouldn't trust you to help anyone!
Can't people be allowed to keep their beliefs.
its sad he will never get this or in two years.
Later, Have Fun Doing Whatever You Think Is More Important Than Newgrounds And Wasting Your Talent On A Stupid Movie Like The Composer.
good bye my friend goodbye
Well good luck I would like to know if you continue visiting newgrounds only for fun you know although it´s possible you don´t read this and I will be like a really stupid.
I like a lot your your submissions and I would like to say this on your page but I have to subscribe.
2 months till september!
Dude Can't wait till you come back, I want to see something amazing again. :C
sniff, ill miss your animations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait til you're back. :) hopefully,we'll get to welcome you a little early ;D
God bless you.
Awww crap you're my favorite author I can't afford to lose you! IMAGINE YOUR INBOX AFTER YOU HAVEN'T CHECKED IT FOR TWO YEARS.