On both the giving and receiving ends of things this Christmas period has quickly become the most awesome ever.
Our Ortus kickstarter surpassed the 20k goal which is a bigger help then you could imagine, and will allow us to continue working on the game full time, while involving those who pledged towards the game in it's creation (through their pledge rewards).
There's still a small window of opportunity before the kickstarter ends if anyone still wants to get on board and be apart of it. Either way, thanks to everyone who donated, spread the word, or even had faith in us. You guys made this possible, thank you. A big thank you to Tom Fulp for being our corporate backer, which guarantees all you guys the game here after it's release on armor games, meaning medals. LOTS of medals. ;)
Finally, Zeedox released Comet not long ago, which has turned out to be one of the most awesome movies I've been a part of making. His artworks are always stunning, and motivated me to do some of my most painstaking animation yet, it's not perfect but I'm sure proud of it. The music is awesome so if you enjoyed the movie, go check our Reasoners stuff!
I hope you all have wonderful holidays this year!
dod bless us, everyone.