i'm currently well into animating a Newgrounds Christmas animation because the inspiration struck me last week and i couldn't NOT do it. anyhow.
basically it's a Newgrounds Christmas party at the office, and all of the big NG stars are invited. I've been asking around and have recruited original voice talent for all speaking parts which is pretty cool, you'll even hear dirge, someone who hasnt been in the flash world as of late.
so far attendees include:
tom fulp
dirge (xombie)
bitey (brackenwood)
captain and steve (tankmen)
kenstar (girlchan)
overlord (larry)
dad'n son
salad fingers
dad (dad's home)
the turtle from toss the turtle
alien hominid
the castle crashers knights
so reason i'm posting this is because i want to have as many NG stars that people will recognize as possible and i want your input incase i missed any. i'll add ones i missed that i will add below:
hank (madness series)
the kitty crew
clock crew
samurai asshole
the mindchamber robot
meat boy
Newgrounds Staff Members
stick slayer
Auron (the Paladin)
retarded animal babies
toast king
joe zombie
Foamy and Germaine
Nene and Darnell
killing spree stick
the time fcuk guy
gary brolsma (numa numa)
charlie the unicorn
for now that is all, the animation should be up in a week or two, i'm kinda crunching to get this one out as a present before Christmas!
(IN OTHER NEWS, Zstriefel, my sound designer, is making a BIG SFX library for artists and want to know if you prefer WAV or MP3 for flash production. Go tell him, it's help him a lot)
and heres egoraptor watching pico and alien hominid in an arm wrestle :) my favorite scene so far.
lolol can you make me too in it xDD
but you ARE in it. you're inside the fire extinguisher on the bottom right. see it? :D