Well this is it
all my stuff is packed, including computer, piano and drums. My bags are packed and they are heavy as hell, lol. I've said my goodbyes and here is my last one online:
it's been an amazing experience. newgrounds alone has been the sole contributor in me being able to leave and do this missionary work, i would have had no job otherwise. HUGE thanks to Tom, all his amazing support and enthusiasm. Big thanks to all the animators and people who have inspired me. I really am gonna miss newgrounds, but for now i gotta move on.
I'll be back in two years, but until then no more animations or games coz i'll be hard at work trying to help people and what not lol. Thank you all so much for your support and love, keep it going coz i can't wait to come back to a newgroudns even fuller then it is now, of talent noise, and... genital humor? lol.
-Goodbye :)
Good luck with everything. I hope you really do some good.