Josiah Brooks is a full time YouTuber/Artist who likes music, beer, beef jerky, and writing profile summaries in the third person.

Age 35, Male


victoria, australia

Joined on 10/31/03

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712 / 900
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5.08 votes
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My cotmxmas14 tag does not appear, but I did upload my entry! I hope Jazza still finds it :c

Cool! Contest by Jazza!? So, going to join this one! XD

I uploaded my entry today, but I can't find it with the other cotmxmas14 tags in the art portal. Can anyone help? I'm new to newgrounds.

SnahDaPurpil someone told me that it's because you have to be scouted. But I don't really know what all that means/does. And I was wondering Jazza, can you see people who art scouted's art?

I uploaded my entry, but like other people i'm not able to see if it worked. I tagged it correctly, but I think it have something to do with scouted/unscouted artists. I believe Jazza can see both, but I have no idea how. Last challenge Jazza provided links to scouted and unscouted, so we all could see if it worked, being we scouted or unscouted artists. Jazza, can you put these links on this contest too? I'm new on newgrounds, and it would really help us newbies to check if everything is allright with our entries. I appreciate you attention, and I'll be very grateful if anyone can help :) Thanks, and good luck to you all!


I haven't been scouted so here's my link just in case you can't find me.

I'm new to Newgrounds after seeing it on the Draw With Jazza channel. Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with. It looks like many, like mine, are unscouted so there is no way to see what's out there. I'm sure there will be some great entries like all COTMs.

Hi everyone :)

Well, I have the same problem like a lot of people here. I tagged my art with cotmxmas14 but it didn´t even appeard next to my drawing. So I´m a little bit worried if Jazza will be able to find our drawings.
I tried to open the unscounted arts from the last Movember "COTM" challange and this popped out http://www.newgrounds.com/art/browse/artists/unscouted/search/COTMMAN/min_score/0
so I thnik this is the reason why we have this issue. I am new to Newgeounds so I am not sure if this is normal or not. May be Jazza will somehow find our works and this is just pointless comment :D but if he won´t I hope he will wait for a few days.

Btw. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! :)

I have also uploaded my entry and tagged it with COTMXMAS14 but it didn't appear next to my drawing. Hope you can still find it. :)

Sorry guys but I haven't been scouted with my work because it's the first time I upload a painting on this site. Is my participation in the competition will count?

I am also unscouted. Does this mean my entry doesn't count? Also a little less important I typed in the tag box COTMXMAS14 but it ended up tagging it as cotmxmas14 will you still get my entry? I'm new to newgrounds and I atill don't know how some of it works.

Cant really see my submission in the tag. So confused. I hope its cool to put my link in here.

can't find my submission using the tag so i guess i'll post it here. i hope it's fine to do that

Hye people ), Merry Christmass to everyone, I can't painting, but I can draw a little, and have the same problem can't understand if I have joined in competition, check out my small art (((

i just went to check if my drawing was among the 'cotmxmas14' entries and couldn't find it although i tagged it correctly and the tag dosn't seem to apear nextto my drawing so here's the link and sorry for disturbing -> http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/artwitch/the-frozen-monster & http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/artwitch/jack-santa-skellington THANK YOU AND STAY AWSOME !! :D

Just in case:
Sorry if it is not necessary:)

Here's my entry in case anyone is interested. It doesn't show in the search even though I tagged it: http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/merrimentti/let-it-burn

Maybe I posted it too late and this is the reason I can't see it in the tag. So I'm posting it here: http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/exordine/bad-jack .

Hi! These are my entries, if anyone want to see... I posted them before the deadline, and tagged correctly, but like many others they don't appear in the search because I'm not Scouted. So here are the links:
I hope it's okay to share the links here, like many people are doing. Sorry for anything, and good luck yo you all!