That Boner will last a while ...
Josiah Brooks is a full time YouTuber/Artist who likes music, beer, beef jerky, and writing profile summaries in the third person.
Age 35, Male
victoria, australia
Joined on 10/31/03
That Boner will last a while ...
unless you charge it into battle without protection
Excellent game; nice job, Jazza, Moonkey, and SpikeVallentine
thanks mate!
Well you in the game jam with moonkey and Spike. you will win all your games rock..iand aaaa....Boner?
so who's idea was it to put a boner in this?
the random generator came out with "skull". skull is a bone. boner. thus the hilarity of our refined and dignified original humor.
"Meaty Boner" should be part of the Larry Universe.
indeed :P
Unlike others, I am not mad at you for spending your time on project other than Larry. I know how boring it gets.
Why is it even a deadline on donating for a good cause anyway?
coz i had to set up a timeframe for the donation page :P
Why did you draw him a penis.. oh well, what can you get from a newgrounds flash.
actually, i drew him as a skeleton first with an exposed pelvis then when it came to drawing the meat, realized i didn't give him pants... then i just rolled with it.
That boner is soooo MEATY!
Good game im playing now in this second in this minute in this hour in this....
lol i saw it on the front page played it and thought this partally looks like spikes artwork and i guess it is ^(oo)^
If you die near the end you basically get butt fucked.
lol to put it delicately
The game is so awesome! And the title makes it hilarious!
coooooooool i dont understand why people put to th game a score of 5 or , the game is awesome!
"That is one meaty boner!"
lol epic
Dude, I'd say the game is quite incomplete.
Rename it to Beta or something
*insert moderately homosexual and funny induindo here*
just kidding, but seriously, why no medal popup?
so you think tom fulp is tha "i'd go with grand overlord" of newgounds huh...
meh me too
whatever good gaim and wth with tha titanikal wolf
Is the game.... ...hard?
oh, so hard, but it gets more enjoyable the more meaty your boner becomes.