Josiah Brooks is a full time YouTuber/Artist who likes music, beer, beef jerky, and writing profile summaries in the third person.

Age 35, Male


victoria, australia

Joined on 10/31/03

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5.08 votes
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8y 6m 9d

Larry and the gnomes...friend or foe o.O?...The side scroller is going to be awesome :D

are you gonna do the game before ep 2? since i think you're rushing this since here isn't any development to th characters yet at all it's like you've releadsed a whole new virtual world without anyone knowing it ie paladin we already know what to expect but this can't be true with this. like doug-out it offered very little background story and the only doug part you see is at the start of the first episode.work on this thanks well,it would be nice if you offered some cutscenes. cheers!

while you have a point, the game itself is a very detailed story, and you get to know a lot more about the characters in the game. also, i know detailes about every single character in the series, half of which you havn't even seen yet! just because you didnt know the normans in episoide 1 didnt stop me putting them in there! there are a few other major characters in there that you dont know yet too.

and episode two will be in the works the instant this game is out :)

Glad to see the game in development! Be careful with some glitches and make sure to have a few people beta test it to see if everything is okay and that the game is not excessively difficult!

Just a question of curiosity - are you going to introduce any main characters we have not yet heard of into the game?

yes! i am! youll see a few running around in the game, but the main new character is the gnome king, and whitwick the storyteller.

And I agree with the above poster - some cut scenes would be much appreciated every few levels, even if it were only a comic version like in your daily comics. By the way, gotta love that pop quiz one. WHACK. XD

cut scenes between every act, and two EPIC ones with music, and art by kamikaye.

Wow really? I cant wait to hear something new from you, and to play this game as well :D
Your really talented, making music and games at the same time

thanks dude :D

if theres gonna be gore, try to use a darker shade of red for your blood.

i usually do.

So you're a Tank Awards Judge, can you tell what you're gonna vote for =D?

i voted for dad's home. they insisted it was not a finalist and was not even released in 2009. regardless, i submitted my ballot, 10 votes for dad's home.

can you put subtitles in your movies, my english pronunciation sucks.

when dos it come out

Awesome, I enjoyed the last game and the whole larry series so far. Work on em! Keep em coming! I think em are AWESOME!

thanks heaps man! i really appreciate it!

This is freaken awesome!
How much time did it take u do make this video?