Way too buff, but badass! I disagree though. he may have the art, but lacks the animation...Unless you do it for him, then your screwed!
Josiah Brooks is a full time YouTuber/Artist who likes music, beer, beef jerky, and writing profile summaries in the third person.
Age 35, Male
victoria, australia
Joined on 10/31/03
Way too buff, but badass! I disagree though. he may have the art, but lacks the animation...Unless you do it for him, then your screwed!
Aww look at you being all modest... No one can match your awsome! =3
holy hell thats awesome
Spider Junk!
To be honest, I like your style much better.
Well it is the best thing you've EVER drawn so everything else= fail
i didnt draw it, so thanks for insulting EVERYTHING I'VE EVER MADE! lol jokes
TURDO loool xDDD
he's too awesome just quit now Jazza. sorryyy
where did you guys learn to draw???? I know your bro made this... but how and what do I need to do to get to your level of awesomeness???
find artists and stuff that inspire you,leech other peoples techneques and spend a lot of time and practice developing your own style. takes work but its only hard when you think of it as work.
The older brother? He's the older one? This was unexpected - I thought it was gonna be younger. He must be pissed deep down that the younger one has archived such e-celebrity status.
It's a psychological thing that exists in every second born child though to be or do something great in order to be recognized over the first born. Course that's just psychology. Still this kind of helps give me an image of how your mind may be - however I don't even know if your an only child and I'm not even taking sociology into consideration.
I like your style better though I'd love to see ya tune down the seriousness and have some fun - as much fun as possible.
bahaha because i'm "SOO FAMOUSE" online, lol. keep in mind we both are in a family of 6 kids. we're the lony artistic ones but the other ones have great passions and skill. :) lol.
the thing + batman =....that
lol any way awesome i'll definatly check him out.
Piderman meets the huk
Maybe you two should work together in animation.
Everyone needs a conceptual artist.
why does he have no penis? D:
why do apparently stright newgrounders have an unflinching attraction and obsession with male genetalia?
Thunder Thighs