Josiah Brooks is a full time YouTuber/Artist who likes music, beer, beef jerky, and writing profile summaries in the third person.

Age 35, Male


victoria, australia

Joined on 10/31/03

Exp Points:
712 / 900
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Vote Power:
5.08 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Town Watch
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B/P Bonus:
8y 6m 9d

If your sponsor allows you to release details, who sponsored you, and for how much?

I love it. Too bad nobody is online.

Jazza this looks really good m8! Nice job. I might be a beta tester.

pretty awesome man. heres an idea u should upgrade the game every couple of months :)

This game is fucking awesome,
props man!

I can't connect to the server , or it is too slow to connect :S

dude, that game rocks,
i totally pwned on it.

That was... kinda boring. :\

I did Help with a few maps!!! ill go ahead and help some more!!! i want my 125 points back!!! hahaha

i am online now but i am quite alone xD uhm? somebody? i am so alone :'( xD

this game is badass!

Hi, I think I might have found a glitch... I played a 3 player assault game with Tiberianfest and Harvir when suddenly me and Tiberianfest couldn't move our guys. We couldn't scroll the screen neither, but we could, however, talk to each other in the chat box, and we could see the time go from 60 to 0. I could buy research too. I thought it was a bit strange that something worked, while something didn't, cause if everything stopped, it could just have been my internet connection or something like that. Harvir could move his guys, but me and Tiberianfest didn't see anything happen in the window.

do u play WoW? cuz alot of your content seems to be related to wow?

I love this game dude.

Impressive work, has a look and feel of a full team production.

I would like to test please

Great game mate, I've got a perfect record after like 6 wins, but my record would be a lot better if I'd stop disconnecting! My internet connection is working fine for everything else, but for some reason I get disconnected while playing BoB. Any suggestions?

It's a good game, but I do have a few suggestions...

1. Put in a restart game button and only allow it to work if both players consent to it, I played a match where someone ended their turn and 3 minutes later I still hadn't started mine.

2. Make some sort of consequence for starting a game but leaving before it even starts. By the time i ranked up to novice (5 wins) i had only played 1 game, the others were default from the other person leaving before it began.

3. A bit more diversity in units would be nice, when it comes down to the battle it's almost always won by the person who started because they got the first bit of damage in.

All of these suggestions cover the 1v1 play, I haven't played any other because there usually aren't enough people on to even consider trying, but I'm sure suggestions 1 and 3 will still count for 3 and 4 player.

looks cool reminds me of a game but i dont remember the name lol

Wow, im impressed that I didnt find any bugs atm, although I might find something later. Gameplay is awesome, wonder what lag would be like with thousands of players (which destroyed the NG card game).

Ooh, I did find a bug just now, I won a brotherhood battle (it seems that the other players went offline as soon as I killed one of their units) and yet I didnt gain any points. How come?

Another thing that annoyed me was the time. As a first-time player the clock runs down pretty fast, twice I was unable to heal my units because I ran out of time on my Bishop :(.

But overall its a good game yeah I like it.

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